Port Germein Progress Association
The Port Germein Progress Association is a not for profit volunteer-based community organisation with the objectives of promoting, developing and supporting the community of Port Germein and surrounding areas and encouraging improvements which will both enhance lifestyle and bring benefit to the community.
Our current interests include:
The Port Germein Caravan Park
The Port Germein Caravan Park is owned by the Port Germein Progress Association with on-site Managers appointed to oversee its’ operations.
Port Germein Community Hub
Cnr Karpfanger and Pederson Streets, which is home to:
- Port Germein Mens Shed (Tuesdays 1.30 to 3pm)
- Port Germein Community Garden (First Sunday of the Month 9am to 12noon)
- Op Shop (Sundays and Wednesdays 10am to 1pm)
- Exercise Classes
- The Community Development Program
- Creative Cafe and Craft Classes (Tuesdays 1.30pm to 3pm plus Saturdays during term time)
- Port Germein Hub Market (4th Sunday of the month unless Foreshore Market is on)
- The Australia Day Commemoration Event
The Port Germein Progess Association holds regular General Meetings throughout the year and encourages all interested locals to attend. Our Annual General Meeting is held in August of each Year
Volunteers are most welcome to assist in any of our current activities.
Please contact the Secretary any time on secretary@portgermein.com.au